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Participant Labs

REU logo*** Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center (GLBRC)-affiliated faculty

Cornelius Barry

Cornelius Barry

Biochemical evolution of plant specialized metabolism

Christoph Benning

Christoph Benning

Plant and algal lipid metabolism and transport

Gregory Bonito

Gregory Bonito (*** GLBRC-affiliated)

Fungal systematics; truffle biology; plant-fungal-bacterial interactions

Federica Brandizzi

Federica Brandizzi (*** GLBRC-affiliated; does not participate in Plant Genomics REU program)

Mechanisms for establishment and maintenance of organelles of the secretory pathway in growth and stress in plants

Kevin Childs

Kevin Childs

Bioinformatics; genomics and genome annotation

Dan Chitwood

Dan Chitwood

Plant morphology; quantification of shape and branching architectures

Patrick Edger

Patrick Edger

Polyploid genomics

Eva Farre

Eva Farre

Plant and algal circadian clock biology

Erich Grotewold

Erich Grotewold

Plant systems biology; trafficking and the function of plant specialized metabolites

Bjoern Hamberger

Bjoern Hamberger (*** GLBRC-affiliated)

Plant pathway discovery for high-value compounds and synthetic biology

Miranda Haus

Miranda Haus

Plant stress responses

Susanne Hoffmann-Benning

Susanne Hoffmann-Benning

Plant growth and development in response to stress

Courtney Hollender

Courtney Hollender

Plant developmental biology and physiology for advancements in tree fruit agriculture

Polly Hsu

Polly Hsu

Translational regulation in plant responses to the environment

Jianping Hu

Jianping Hu

Peroxisome biogenesis and function

Michelle Hulin

Michelle Hulin

Plant-bacteria interactions, molecular plant pathology, population genomics and evolution, bacterial secretion systems and effector biology

Jiming Jiang

Jiming Jiang

Genetics, genomics, and epigenetics of plant stress responses

Ning Jiang

Ning Jiang

Transposable elements (TEs); eukaryotic genome diversification; computational and molecular biology-based approaches

Emily Josephs

Emily Josephs

Evolutionary genetics and genomics of plant natural variation

Cheryl Kerfeld

Cheryl Kerfeld (*** GLBRC-affiliated; does not participate in Plant Genomics REU program)

Characterization of proteins involved in photoprotection in cyanobacteria

Alexandra Kravchenko

Alexandra Kravchenko (*** GLBRC-affiliated; does not participate in Plant Genomics REU program)
Micro- to macro-scale biogeochemical processes involved in soil carbon and nitrogen cycling

Sarah Lebeis

Sarah Lebeis (*** GLBRC-affiliated)

Plant microbiome composition and assembly

David Lowry

David Lowry (*** GLBRC-affiliated)

Plant speciation and evolutionary genomics

Peter Lundquist

Peter Lundquist

Plastoglobule and chloroplast biochemistry, proteomics

Eric Patterson

Eric Patterson

Weed genomics

Sue Rhee

Sue Rhee

Plant genomics and plant resilience

J. Alejandro Rojas-Flechas

J. Alejandro Rojas-Flechas

Mycology, plant pathology, fungal ecology, phytobiomes, population genetics/genomics, soil microbes

Hatem Rouached

Hatem Rouached

Mineral nutrition, sensing, signaling and transport

Tom Sharkey

Tom Sharkey

Biochemistry and biophysics of carbon assimilation and exchange with the environment

Shinhan Shiu

Shinhan Shiu (*** GLBRC-affiliated)

Evolutionary and comparative genomics; machine learning

Aleksandra Skirycz

Aleksandra Skirycz

Plant stress, mass spectrometry metabolomic and proteomic

Daniela Strenkert

Daniela Strenkert

Multi-omics resolution of photosynthetic performance

Hideki Takahashi

Hideki Takahashi

Mechanisms of nitrogen and sulfur uptake and metabolism

Addie Thompson

Addie Thompson

Maize genetics and genomics; high-throughput phenotyping

Robert vanBuren

Robert vanBuren

Genetic basis of plant adaptation; drought tolerance of underutilized crop species

Josh Vermaas

Josh Vermaas

Atomic simulation tools; computational microscopy; biological membranes and membrane proteins; nanostructures and assemblies within photosynthetic organisms

Berkley Walker

Berkley Walker (*** GLBRC-affiliated)

Photosynthesis and photorespiration

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