Below is a list of publications co-authored by participants (shown in bold) in the
Plant Genomics@MSU REU program. Congratulations to all!!!
- VanBuren R, Wai CM, Giarola V, Zupunski M, Pardo J, Kalinowski M, Grossmann G, Bartels D (2023) Core cellular and tissue-specific mechanisms enable desiccation tolerance in Craterostigma. The Plant Journal 114, 231 - 245
- Pardo J, Wai CM, Harman M, Nguyen A, Kremling KA, Cinta Romay M, Lepak N, Bauerle TL, Buckler ES, Thompson AM, VanBuren R (2023) Cross-species predictive modeling reveals conserved drought responses between maize and sorghum. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 120 (10) e2216894120
- Alzohairy SA, Heger L, Zainal Alam NN, Miles T (2023) Cross resistance of SDHIs in Botrytis cinerea and development of molecular diagnostic tools for SDHI resistance detection. Phytopathology
- Schenck CA, Anthony TM, Jacobs M, Jones AD, Last RL (2022) Natural variation meets synthetic biology: Promiscuous trichome-expressed acyltransferases from Nicotiana. Plant Physiology kiac192,
- Poliner E, Busch AWU, Newton L, Kim YU, Clark R, Gonzalez-Martinez SC, Jeong B-R, Montgomery BL, Farré EM (2022) Aureochromes maintain polyunsaturated fatty acid content in Nannochloropsis oceanica. Plant Physiology 189: 906-921
- Lavell A, Smith M, Xu Y, Froehlich JE, De La Mora C, Benning C (2021) Proteins associated with the Arabidopsis thaliana plastid rhomboid-like protein RBL10. Plant Journal 108: 1332 1345
- Rohnke BA, Rodriguez-Pérez KJ, Montgomery BL (2020) Linking the dynamic response of the carbon dioxide-concentrating mechanism to carbon assimilation behavior in Fremyella diplosiphon. Molecular Biology and Physiology 11: e01052-2020
- Moore BM, Wang P, Fan P, Lee A, Leong BJ, Lou Y-R, Schenck CA, Sugimoto K, Last RL, Lehti-Shiu MD, Barry CS, Shiu S-H (2020) Within and cross species predictions of plant specialized metabolism genes using transfer learning. in silico Plants 2:
- Fan P, Wang P, Lou Y-R, Leong BJ, Moore BJ, Schenck CA, Combs R, Cao P, Brandizzi F, Shiu S-H, Last RL (2020) Evolution of a plant gene cluster in Solanaceae and emergence of metabolic diversity. eLife 9:e56717
- Takeuchi T, Sears BB, Lindeboom CD, Lin Y-T, Fekaris N, Zienkiewicz K, Zienkiewicz A, Poliner E, Benning C (2020) Chlamydomonas CHT7 is required for an effective quiescent state by regulating nutrient-responsive cell cycle gene expression. Plant Cell DOI:
- Shee PK, Ratnayake ND, Walter T, Goethe O, Onyeozili EN, Walker KD (2019) Exploring the scope of an α/β-aminomutase for the amination of cinnamate epoxides to arylserines and arylisoserines. ACS Catalysis 9: 7418-7430
- Lantz AT, Solomon C, Gog L, McClain AM, Weraduwage SM, Cruz JA, Sharkey TD (2019) Isoprene suppression by CO2 is not due to triose phosphate utilization (TPU) limitation. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change 2: article 8
- Edger PP, Poorten TJ, VanBuren R, Hardigan MA, Colle M, McKain MR, Smith RD, Teresi SJ, Nelson ADL, Wai CM, Alger EI, Bird KA, Yocca AE, Pumplin N, Ou S, Ben-Zvi G, Brodt A, Baruch K, Swale T, Shiue L, Acharya CB, Cole GS, Mower JP, Childs KL, Jiang N, Lyons E, Freeling M, Puzey JR, Knapp SJ (2019) Origin and evolution of the octoploid strawberry genome. Nature Genetics 51: 541-547
- Zuo Z, Weraduwage SM, Lantz AT, Sanchez LM, Weise SE, Wang J, Childs K, Sharkey TD (2019) Isoprene acts as a signaling molecule in gene networks important for stress responses and plant growth. Plant Physiology
- VanBuren R, Pardo J, Wai CM, Evans S, Bartels D (2019) Massive tandem proliferation of ELIPs supports convergent evolution of desiccation tolerance across land plants. Plant Physiology 179: 1040-1049
- Du Z-Y, Alvaro J, Hyden B, Zienkiewicz K, Benning N, Zienkiewicz A, Bonito G, Benning C (2018) Enhancing oil production and harvest by combining the marine alga Nannochloropsis oceanica and the oleaginous fungus Mortierella elongata. Biotechnology for Biofuels 11: article 174.
- Lloyd, JP, Tsai, ZT, Sowers, RP, Panchy, NL and Shiu, SH (2018) A Model-Based Approach for Identifying Functional Intergenic Transcribed Regions and Noncoding RNAs. Molec. Biol. Evol. 35: 1422-1436.
- Fan P, Miller AM, Liu X, Jones AD, Last RL (2017) Evolution of a flipped pathway creates metabolic innovation in tomato trichomes through BAHD enzyme promiscuity. Nature Communications 8: article number 2080
- Liu X, Enright M, Barry CS, Jones AD (2017) Profiling, isolation and structure elucidation of specialized acylsucrose metabolites accumulating in tichomes of Petunia species. Metabolomics 13:
- Busch AWU, WareJoncas Z, Montgomery BL (2017) Tryptophan-rich sensory protein / translocator protein (TSPO) from cyanobacterium Fremyella diplosiphon binds a broad range of functionally relevant tetrapyrroles. Biochemistry 56: 73-84
- Ratnayake ND, Theisen C, Walter T, Walker KD (2016) Whole-cell biocatalytic production of variously substituted β-aryl- and β-heteroaryl-β-amino acids, J. Biotechnol. 217, 12-21
- Yang JT, Preiser AL, Li Z, Weise SE, Sharkey TD (2016) Triose phosphate use limitation of photosynthesis short-term and long-term effects. Planta 243: 687-698
- Fan P, Miller AM, Schilmiller AL, Liu X, Ofner I, Jones AD, Zamir D, Last RL (2016) In vitro reconstruction and analysis of evolutionary variation of the tomato acylsucrose metabolic network. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 113: E239-248
- Lloyd JP, Seddon AE, Moghe GD, Simenc MC, Shiu S-H (2015) Characteristics of plant essential genes allow for within- and between-species prediction of lethal mutant phenotypes. The Plant Cell 27: 2133-2147
- Poliner E, Panchy N, Newton L, Wu G, Lapinsky A, Bullard B, Zienkiewicz A, Benning C, Shiu S-H, Farré EM (2015) Transcriptional coordination of physiological responses in Nannochloropsis oceanica CCMP1779 under light/dark cycles. The Plant Journal 83: 1097-1113
- Ning J, Moghe G, Leong B, Kim J, Ofner I, Wang Z, Adams C, Jones AD, Zamir D, Last RL (2015) A feedback insensitive isopropylmalate synthase affects acylsugar composition in cultivated and wild tomato. Plant Physiology 169: 1821-1835
- Ghosh B, Westbrook TC, Jones AD (2014) Comparative structural profiling of trichome specialized metabolites in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) and S. habrochaites: acylsugar profiles revealed by UHPLC/MS and NMR. Metabolomics 10: 496-507
- Sharkey TD, Gray DW, Pell HK, Breneman SR, Topper L (2013) Isoprene synthase genes for a monophyletic clade of acyclic terpene synthases in the TPS-B terpene synthase family. Evolution 67: 1026-1040
- Nadakuduti SS, Pollard M, Kosma DK, Allen C, Ohlrogge JB, Barry CS (2012) Pleiotropic phenotypes of the sticky peel mutant provide new insight into the role of CUTIN DEFICIENT2 in epidermal cell function in tomato. Plant Physiology 159: 945-960
- Gonzales-Vigil E, Hufnagel DE, Kim J, Last RL, Barry CS (2012) Evolution of TPS20-related terpene synthases influences chemical diversity in the glandular trichomes of the wild tomato relative Solanum habrochaites. Plant Journal 71: 921-935
- Costigan SE, Warnasooriya SN, Humphries BA, Montgomery BL (2011) Root-localized phytpchrome chromophore synthesis is required for photoregulation of root elongation and impacts root sensitivity to jasmonic acid in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology 157: 1138 -1150
- Yang Y, Sage TL, Liu Y, Ahmad TR, Marshall WF, Shiu SH, Froehlich JE, Imre KM, Osteryoung KW (2011) CLUMPED CHLOROPLASTS 1 is required for plastid separation in Arabidopsis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 108: 18530-18535
- Wanninayake U, DePorre Y, Ondari M, Walker KD (2011) (S)-Styryl-alpha-alanine used to probe the intermolecular mechanism of an intramolecular MIO-aminomutase. Biochemistry 50: 10082-10090
- Ajjawi I, Coku A, Froehlich JE, Yang Y, Osteryoung KW, Benning C, Last RL (2011) A J-like protein influences fatty acid composition of chloroplast lipids in Arabidopsis. Plos One 6: e25368
- Gao JP, Ajjawi I, Manoli A, Sawin A, Xu CC, Froehlich JE, Last RL, Benning C (2009) FATTY ACID DESATURASE4 of Arabidopsis encodes a protein distinct from characterized fatty acid desaturases. Plant Journal 60: 832-839